About the efficacy of erginin

Today, I’m going to introduce L arginine. Many people have come here to exercise because it is known that it can help your muscles not get tired easily!
Arginine is a natural amino acid found in many fish. It’s synthesized by our bodies, but it’s very small. For healthy adults, the amount synthesized by the human body is sufficient, but it needs to be supplemented a little more in certain situations and in some cases with myopathy.

So it can be supplemented by food, but it is often found in foods such as eel and oysters.Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds are also included. When it enters our body like this, it absorbs and maintains moisture in our body like collagen. It also plays a role in building and growing proteins.Amino acids that are synthesized by the body but are small in amount and must be consumed in food are called quasi-essential amino acids.However, the absorption rate is low even when taken from outside. And it has the property of dissolving well in water. It may be taken separately before exercising or preparing for pregnancy, or it may be taken by a doctor’s prescription, but I will explain the efficacy based on well-known information.

arginine efficacy, side effects

arginine efficacy, side effects

As I said earlier, there is a disadvantage that even if you take it as a food or food, it won’t be absorbed enough. I can’t use it as much as I want, but because of this, I sometimes take high-dose arginine. However, if you take more than 10 grams on an empty stomach, you may have diarrhea. Also, it can activate the herpes virus, so you should avoid people who are prone to inflammation of the lips. Because the risk of shingles may increase, it is important to take it in compliance with the recommended daily dose.So far, general arginine information. Below is an article on product reviews.

Highly recommended arginine

There are so many products that it’s hard to choose, but please check the content first!
If you have a good general menu management, you can eat it as a food, so it’s appropriate to eat about 3000mg a day.However, since arginine absorbs less than other amino acids, I thought it would be better to choose a high-content product of ~6000mg, so I compared these high-content arginine products in detail!
Below is my GC Green Cross Wellbeing, Meta-Welmy Meta-Arginine 6000 Plus Ornithine. I prepared to eat with my husband who likes exercise. I want to eat it with you because I get tired easily and feel tired even a little bit.

There are so many products that it’s hard to choose, but please check the content first!
If you have a good general menu management, you can eat it as a food, so it’s appropriate to eat about 3000mg a day.However, since arginine absorbs less than other amino acids, I thought it would be better to choose a high-content product of ~6000mg, so I compared these high-content arginine products in detail!
Below is my GC Green Cross Wellbeing, Meta-Welmy Meta-Arginine 6000 Plus Ornithine. I prepared to eat with my husband who likes exercise. I want to eat it with you because I get tired easily and feel tired even a little bit.

Meta-Arginine 6000: Meta-Welmi GC Green Cross Well-being Technology and Absorption Booster Ornithine-filled 6,000mg Next Generation Arginine!
smartstore.naver.comMeta-Arginine 6000: Meta-Welmi GC Green Cross Well-being Technology and Absorption Booster Ornithine-filled 6,000mg Next Generation Arginine!
smartstore.naver.comMeta-Arginine 6000: Meta-Welmi GC Green Cross Well-being Technology and Absorption Booster Ornithine-filled 6,000mg Next Generation Arginine!
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