How can I find a hospital that is good at surgery on Jecheon knee?

“My mother has been complaining of knee pain since she was young, but she developed arthritis while farming, and her legs are now greatly deformed. Recently, it was hard to walk, so I thought about having an artificial joint surgery, and when I talked to them, they turned me down because they were worried about me, and they told me that I could walk properly after the surgery, I was distracted. I came to the hospital to find a hospital that is good at knee surgery.” This is the story of a mother and child who came to our hospital early this year with the above news. In the case of knee arthritis, if you take good care of it from the beginning, you may not even have artificial joint surgery, but in the end of the year when cartilage is worn out and joint deformation occurs, artificial joint surgery can walk and relieve pain and improve your quality of life. Today, at Jecheon Holy Land Hospital, I will summarize how to choose a hospital that is good at knee surgery.

a hospital specializing in knee surgery in Jecheon

How can I choose a hospital when I am worried about knee surgery?

1. Regardless of the current knee condition, it is necessary to check if artificial joint surgery is recommended unconditionally.

In the case of degenerative knee arthritis, it is difficult to say that it is completely cured, but depending on how you manage it, you can live steadily with your own joints. In most cases, physical therapy and exercise therapy along with medication, injection and surgical treatment can relieve pain and maintain functionality by protecting the knee joint. However, if this is not the case, we have to consider replacing artificial joints. Artificial joint surgery should be decided when there is no better way to improve it. Because artificial joints also have a life span, it is important for young people to choose a place where they can openly talk about the timing of surgery while promoting conservative treatment.

a hospital specializing in knee surgery in Jecheon

2. Consider the surgical skill of the medical staff and whether or not they have advanced equipment.

Artificial joint surgery is a material that does not harm the human body, and it is a method of inserting artificial joints that embody the joints after removing parts of the tibia and thigh bone joints. You can change the whole joint, or you can change only a few joints. At this time, we proceed with the process of cutting bones, but since bones are not regenerated again, we need to perform surgery after accurately measuring the length of the legs and joint mobility. Medical staff should be familiar with the types of artificial joints and design characteristics that they use, and if they experience different cases, they will be able to provide various advice on possible surgical conditions, rehabilitation management, and training.

a hospital specializing in knee surgery in Jecheon

3. Choose a place where postoperative rehabilitation care and post-management are systematic.3. Choose a place where postoperative rehabilitation care and post-management are systematic.a hospital specializing in knee surgery in JecheonDegenerative knee arthritis is not a completely cured disease, but a progressive disease. Therefore, it is important to improve the quality of life by reducing the inflammatory response through proper treatment and management when pain occurs without overworking the knee to prevent pain from appearing as much as possible.Depending on the degree to which the cartilage covering the knee joint is worn out and damaged, the stage of arthritis is divided into one to four stages, but if the management is successful in one to two stages, the artificial knee joint surgery may not be performed.If you correct your bad posture and habits and exercise to strengthen your muscles and ligaments around your knees, you will be able to relieve pain and keep your joints healthy.a hospital specializing in knee surgery in JecheonJecheon Holy Land Hospital provides systematic medical treatment based on accurate examination at the non-surgical joint spinal center. We have a variety of advanced medical examination equipment as well as treatment equipment and physical therapy equipment. Excellent medical staff are always very careful, so please use it often. Thank you.50m NAVER Corp. More / OpenStreetMap Map Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Map Controller Legend Real Estate Street Town, Myeon, Simultaneous, County, District, CountryJecheon Holy Land Hospital 284 Uirim-daero, Jecheon City, North Chungcheong ProvinceJecheon Holy Land Hospital 284 Uirim-daero, Jecheon City, North Chungcheong Provinceロード中… player_likesound_mutesound_mutesound_volume2sound_volume3[x]プレーヤーサイズ:0x0現在の解像度:0PMaxAbr解像度:0PPプロトコル:hls現在の帯域幅:平均帯域幅:バッファの状態:フレームドロップレート:0/0「ビデオ統計バージョン4.29.4(HLS)ビルド日(2022/8/31)」ネイバー株式会社 동영상 인코딩 중입니다.
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